Like any organization we rely on volunteers to help run our major events.
Usually we are asking for more volunteers for the CT Sheep, Wool & Fiber Festival, especially because we have been holding it at a new venue. We begin setting up on Friday and will be able to use help in several areas and then again on Saturday. If you are interested in volunteering for the 2023 Festival please contact the Festival Co-chairs via email at
Do you have something to offer the Association? Would you like to serve on the Board of Directors or as an Officer? County Directors serve 2 year terms and pretty much their job is to participate in Board meetings, help with events, serve on Committees, and field questions from people in their county. If you are interested email our President, Nate Trojanoski via email -
The Director position for Middlesex County is open. If you would like to fill that position please contact Nate at the above email address